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Spectrum TV Choice Review

Many cable television customers are cutting off the cable and opting for streaming services instead, which means that cable companies are seeing their business steadily declining, causing buy tv internet phone to rethink the services and offer some kind of ala carte service.

Spectrum TV Choice is their newest offering. Offers live local TV channels and let you choose 10 additional cable channels for less than $ 30 per month. The service doesn’t require a cable box or subscription, so you can watch Spectrum TV Choice on an Apple TV, Roku, Xbox One, or any other WiFi-connected TV. What is the service about and is it worth it? Everything you need to know and then you can choose if it’s exact for you.

What is Spectrum TV Choice?

Spectrum TV Choice is a live TV streaming option available to all Spectrum Internet subscribers. You are given a list of channels that are discounted at a lower monthly cost. Subscribing to the service gives you access to all local channels, live channels, and then you can choose 10 cable channels. The price ranges from $ 25 to $ 30 per month.

Is Spectrum TV Choosing Good For Everyone?

Unfortunately, on-demand programming doesn’t work for all needs. For those who love sports, they can’t add regional sports networks or league-specific channels like MLB, NFL, or NBA. Like DIY and Nick Jr., they are also unavailable. Spectrum offers not as much of than a third of its cable channels with this streaming service. You can choose 10 channels out of 80 channels from unless you want to upgrade to a better package.

How do I sign up for Spectrum TV Choice?

Signing up is easy. If you are not already a Spectrum TV customer, you can simply log into their website and select “Add TV”. You then have the option of selecting “Spectrum TV Choice” from the list of available tariffs. You will be guided through a menu where you can select your 10 cable channels and decide if you want to choose other premium networks. The only problem is that those people who have already subscribed to one of the Spectrum TV packages may have problems switching.

Brief Summary of the Pros and Cons of Spectrum TV Choice

To summarize everything we’ve discussed and make your decision easier, here’s a look at the pros and cons of this service.


  • It’s a good price for the combination of cable and local channels that you have access to.
  • Includes publicly available channels and live PBS that are excluded from other higher-priced TV
  • Supports universal search on devices like Apple TV, Roku and even the Apple TV app.
  • No contract or cancellation fees
  • No cable TV box required
  • You have the option to add other premium channels such as HBO, Startz etc.


  • DVR service is expensive to expand
  • No more than 10 cable channels can be selected and some popular networks are missing
  • Applications may have poor video quality, usage restrictions when you are away from home and a large amount of blocked

Spectrum TV Choice is a good selection for those looking to save money and at rest have access to local live channels. Let’s face it, the other major streaming services don’t allow you to watch local channels, which means you are missing out on some local programs and news. While the service has some downsides, the pros definitely outweigh the cons