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Primary Reasons why you need a Pogo Pin

Pogo pins, also referred to as spring-loaded pins, are a new mechanism, used in electrical connections, mainly in testing. Their name comes from how they structurally resemble a pogo stick. They have gained preference in the market due to their high durability and ability to handle mechanical vibration and shock. The helical spring inside the pogo pin applies a constant force to the contact plate. This counters any unwanted movement that would have led to a discontinuous connection. In case these incredible features do not convince you, here are other reasons you should get a pogo pin;

User Experience

The spring technology makes pogo pins extremely convenient. Most connections methods utilize an expansion sleeve or a cantilever spring, which does not offer the same efficiency. Pogo pins are also easy to use and quickly align with devices. Other than that, the assembly of pogo pins is straightforward. Manual board to board connections are technical and tasking to do. However, with pogo pins, no manual alignment is required. You can quickly assemble parts and retain massive flexibility in the assembly.

The Small Size

When choosing a connector, you often have to choose between a small size, which is unstable and a stable large size. This is not the same case with a pogo pin. They can easily fit in your small space and offer the same efficiency as a large connector. The spring design allows manufacturers to achieve this.

Top Tolerance

Pogo pin connectors offer the highest travel time. Thus, mistakes in the manufacturing process of a product are not detrimental due to the long travel. This salvages the functionality of the equipment. In other connectors with a short travel, changes such as the expansion of the connected materials interfere with the function. This is because the contact between the material and the connectors disconnects. By using more extended travel connectors, you avoid such inconveniences.

High Durability

Connectors that are spring-loaded offer the highest durability. This is because the compression occurs vertically, which reduces wear and tear significantly as compression-only occurs in a single direction. With pogo pins, the friction is only on the plunger and the barrel. Additionally, the force of the internal spring is minimal, and an engineer can easily regulate it. In other connectors, two metal plates rub on each other once inserted. This increases wear and tear level, which eventually reduces the amount of current the connector can carry.

There are different types of pogo pins customized to meet different needs and with unique properties like the mode of mounting. Despite the differences, a similar spring design offers excellent benefits.  Examine your demands and explore tts and find one that suits your requirements.