Every Android phone comes with a stock camera application. Many likes it and some does not. People who do not liked already has experience powerful and feature full camera applications. There are many free Android camera applications that can replace your stock camera app. There are not many effective Android camera applications on Play Store. Because many of those apps does not push updates to work smoothly on newer devices and newer Android versions.
HD Camera is one of the best High-Definition Camera application that can replace your stock camera app. It pushes constant update to provide better user experience on every device as much as possible. Because it is hard to test all Android devices out there. Unlike iPhones, there are uncountable number of combinations of Android phone models, manufactures and Android versions.
This is professional HD Camera application that support 4K and comes with many free filters to make your photos even more professional and better looking. Below shows some features of this application. Feel free to download this application from play store and find out how this app works.
Features of Professional HD Camera
- Intelligent Face detection – Face detection helps to enhance photos, more focus and etc.
- Real time Filters – You can apply or change filters before capturing photos. You can change and see which filter matches the most using real time filters.
- HD photos / Videos – Easily capture HD Photos and Videos with superb quality.
- Stylish HDR with enhance night mode to provide better images on night. Noise reduction and more features are used to provide better images.
- User control features – You can manually set focusing distance, adjust ISO and exposer time. You can export those images in raw format. Raw images make it easier to edit using your favorite editor like lightroom.
Download Professional HD Camera APK
Please note that this application based on open camera code. You can try official Open Camera app too. Click here to download open camera. This is a free app where you can download easily using Google Play Store.
- Open Play Store
- Go to search and type “hd camera”.
- You will see this application appear on search results.
- Select it and press on “install”.
For devices that does not has play store, can use AC Market. AC Market is the biggest third-party Android app store that has all most all Play Store applications and applications removed from play store. This camera offers better photos and videos like pixel camera app.