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3 Tips for Marketing Your Window Cleaning Business

We live in a digital era where every business needs to have an online business; including window cleaning. If you’re looking forward to making your entity profitable, then you must look for ways to market it. You’ll need more than a fancy file cabinet, a laptop, and cleaning equipment.

But don’t dismay. In this article, we will help you understand how you can promote your business and attract potential clients. You might be surprised about getting more job than you can handle. Having a solid online presence will drive more traffic to your website and create a broad client base.

Let’s begin 


  • Business Cards Still Work


Business cards are cheap and the most effective ways of advertising the window cleaner gold coast business. It’s time you start seeing that little piece of paper as it is. Give your card a purport. Turn it into an event ticket, a sticker, or even a bookmark. Ensure to make it a conversation piece, and you’ll make the business part of the conversation.

You can also challenge people with a figure or a fun fact on the business card. Think about a piece of trivia that applies to your cleaning business. Ensure you engage and amuse clients when they read your card. It will make your business stand out. Go ahead and add credibility with testimonials. You can add a brief quote. It is a fantastic way of using valuable space.


  • Use Colored Door Hangers


Door hangers might be a bit expensive than business cards and fliers, but they create a professional appeal. More so, they are visible and easy to read. So, how do you make the hangers outstanding?

  • Choose Your Shape – Instead if using the usual rectangle door hanger, you can opt to use a rounded edge door hanger. You can design it to look like a basket or something related to your cleaning services. 
  • Thickness – Choose a thicker designer as it will withstand elements. Furthermore, it will give your business a professional appearance. 
  • Color and Finish – You don’t want people to strain to see the hanger. Use bright and lively full-color to enhance your design work. Use matte finish on the front side to give the hanger a writable surface.
  • Content – Identify your clients’ problems and offer a solution. List down your surfaces such as corporate and residential cleaning services. Use few but powerful words. You wouldn’t want potential clients to spend more than a minute reading what you offer.


  • Create a Website


The online presence will enable clients to have trust and confidence in your window cleaning services. When it comes to promoting your cleaning business, a website is paramount. You can get a website designer to create a professional profile. 

Having a website is not enough. Hire a reputable marketing company to promote your brand. A reliable advertising company will ensure your business services and products reached your target audience. 


Today you might spend money advertising on your business, but the results will be rewarding. The above strategies will help you spread your services to a wide range of audience. It’s time to make your brand known.