In developing a digital marketing strategy, many ponder where to start. It is still a frequent question because most businesses know how vital digital/mobile channels are in today’s world to acquiring as well as retaining customers. But they often do not have an incorporated plan to meet this method of appealing to their customers effectively. If a business does not have a good plan, there are numerous problems that can develop and your competitors might and probably will be savvier in the digital world than you are.
Common challenge
Having more insight a business can have a common challenge of where to start drawing up a digital marketing plan. Many who do not have much education in this field -example business owner – growing the fear that a digital marketing plan must be huge in order to put into place while actually lean planning works best. Those with some education in this marketing field understand that.
One research company has found that more than 35% of spending on advertising is now directed through the internet. With large quantities of a company’s revenue being funnel through online marketing platforms, there is a demand for those people who fully understand how the system works as well as how to maximize a business ROI. But the data shows, despite needing experts in digital marketing, there is a large lack of people in this field.
A career research firm has found that digital marketers are on a par to earned more than as much as $7,074 or £5,530 per year as compared to someone doing traditional marketing. This shows how much good companies are ready to pay for those with the right skills. There is a 450% growth in the digital marketing field that is just continuing to grow. But there are not that many content creators to meet this growing need. Content creators are needed to develop:
- Websites
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
This is referred to as the “revolution” in digital marketing. If you are looking for a career in marketing, it is clear that the internet is the place to develop your skills.