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Top 10 Mobile Development Application Stats to Know in 2020

The mobiles have become increasingly user friendly in times of the pandemic lockdown. The basic bottom line is that mobile is the change towards a newer era. With 2020 being touted as the technological year, the mobile manufacturers are going to have a field day.

  1. The user duration on each smart phone

It has been rightly said that times are heading towards a digital future. In fact, according to surveys it has been proven that the standard smart phone user spends a minimum of three hours forty minutes on his device.

  1. The rapid hike in the global mobile industry.

 As the concept of remote working and digital schools continue to rise, stats have shown that the global sale of mobiles and cell phones would hike massively   in 2020.


  1. Online access via mobile

It is a hard-core fact that a major percentage of the online browsing is done via the mobiles. If you are a service provider, then go in for a mobile strategy.  This is the ultimate mobile friendly net zone for your target audience, as per the report.

  1. Mobile remains app ridden

It has been noted as per the market survey that although people are fiddling on their mobiles 24×7, very few or less than half of the installed apps come in any real usage. So, it is best to clear out the ones which you do not need.

  1. E-shoppers’ paradise

Many of us are hooked onto online shopping, delighting the e-commerce store owners. As such, many mobile users will seek a brand phone which is easy and user friendly in terms of making virtual purchases.

  1. Gaming and chatting

A great percentage of the mobile users are constantly engaged in games preceded by the social media. In fact, many people just use their phones for accessing social media networking sites or playing games.

  1. Smart phones can outsmart laptops and desktops

According to mobile app development agency, it has been observed that the mobiles can contribute to a major portion of consumer economy in 2021 and outsell the laptops and desktops by2020.

  1. People renew mobile coupons

The possibility of mobile coupons has also seen a rise in the recent times with the mobiles being touted as far more useful than the laptops.

  1. Location targeted mobiles much in vogue

The hapless parents may well buy their restless teens location-oriented mobiles to track their whereabouts and indeed, who can blame them?

  1. Juvenile users


An alarming yet hard real fact check is the introduction of small children to the mobiles for digital classes in pandemic lockdown.