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The Benefits of External Server Monitoring

Server Monitoring is one of the most frequently misunderstood company policies, especially in industries where most employees have little background in technical support. Employees often believe that it is their activities at work that are being monitored when in reality, this process is not a form of employee surveillance. It’s an essential tool for keeping servers and workstations in optimal condition. Read on to find out about the benefits of backup monitoring software systems to make it easier to explain the change to hesitant employees.

  1. Increased Visibility

When an IT administrator or third-party security company monitors a company’s servers, they get a chance to look under the proverbial hood to see if there are issues that could impact network performance. Monitoring looks at multiple variables and shows IT professionals how well the server and individual workstations are functioning in real-time. This real-time monitoring makes it easier to identify problems quickly and take a proactive approach to resolve them before they start impacting network performance.

  1. Increase Automation

Many of the maintenance activities required to keep servers up and running can be checked automatically when servers are monitored in real-time. From evaluating available space on the hard disk and server performance to software updates, scheduled backups, and critical event or service disruptions, system administrators have a lot on their plates. If they have to spend most of their time monitoring these routine network events, they won’t be able to focus on other aspects of their work. The increase in automation of monitoring tasks gives administrators more time to focus on resolving server, network, and workstation issues instead of running constant checks.

  1. Real-Time Alerts for Rapid Responses

System administrators can set alert levels for server changes so they can be notified immediately by either text message or email when routine monitoring shows that something is amiss. These real-time alerts make it easier to respond rapidly to potential issues before they cause significant downtime for either servers or individual workstations. The happy result will be a workforce that delivers optimum productivity without unnecessary lapses in work.

  1. Free Up IT Resources

Relying on third-party monitoring service providers can free up time for a company’s in-house IT team. Instead of worrying about monitoring and resolving issues caused by server failures by hand, IT professionals can trust event handlers to deal with service interruptions quickly and efficiently. They can then focus on more important tasks like IT development and infrastructure renewal instead of wasting their time on simple server reboots and other basic remedial actions that could be automated.

  1. Scale with the Company

Cloud-based monitoring services are extremely scalable. Clients can view full lists of covered computers, add workstations as needed, and scale their service plans as their companies grow. Plus, there’s no need for constant patches or updates by in-house IT administrators. The service provider takes care of all that busy work.

The Bottom Line

Monitoring servers is an essential task for any company that wants to avoid unnecessary service disruptions and workstation downtime. The best way to stay on top of it is to hire a third-party monitoring service.