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  What It Means To Use A Virtual Event Platform In Singapore  


Productions and events are known to be only possible if you do them in person. Traditional methods need many people to make sure everything runs smoothly.

However, live streaming in Singapore is now an acceptable way to market, engage and invite more people to know more about your brand. It allows you to reach remote attendees, which helps you to expand the reach of your company or group.

In addition, as these kinds of events become more common, virtual and hybrid event platforms have grown to include a variety of additional services to improve the traditional experience. As you plan out an online event, you need to know.

How can you benefit from a virtual event platform?

It’s critical to know what a virtual event platform in Singapore means and how it may benefit your company before starting your search for the best one.

Online video hosting and broadcasting are made possible by using a virtual event streaming platform. You can use these feeds for various purposes, from interacting with distant viewers to publicising events like virtual product launches, conferences, exhibitions, and celebrations.

Using software like an event management system helps you efficiently run and control your virtual event. With a wide range of options to optimise the overall experience, these full-service event platforms are far more flexible than simple live-streaming systems.

It has also become an integral part of event marketing because it allows businesses and organisations to improve their services and create intimate encounters with their viewers.

What should you consider when looking for a virtual event platform


Understandably, finding a virtual event platform in Singapore with everything you need is challenging. Despite the many platforms available, choosing the appropriate one can feel like pressure. To help you narrow down your choices, here’s what you should consider.

It helps you achieve your objectives

Before you sign up for live streaming services in Singapore, make sure they can help you achieve what you want to do. If you are hiring them for product launching, ask for these features. How can they help you generate more audience to see your brand? Focus on platforms that can provide high-quality virtual events.

Easy registration

One of the reasons why audiences don’t attend events is because of overly complicated registration. Before you do live streaming events in Singapore, consider keeping a record of platforms that incorporate registration and booking alternatives as part of their features.

People on the internet prefer to register for an event that won’t need to click separate links to see the event.

Customisable branding and modification choices

A professional virtual event platform in Singapore differs from typical platforms because you can customise them to your liking. Choose a company that allows you to create an event based on your branding.

The more intimate an experience is, the more authentic it appears to be. Attendees should feel immersed in the event rather than merely watching it on a monitor.

Ability to connect to other networks

It’s best to choose an event management system that allows participants to connect during virtual events. It keeps guests actively involved throughout the event, allowing them to form networks and connections.

Consider using a virtual event platform that includes chat and live webinars with Q&A. Connecting with others at the event will allow the attendees to network more effectively and provide an authentic experience.

Real-time data collection

When live streaming in Singapore, you’d want to know how your audience responded to your event. Did you reach your engagement quota? It will help you understand what part they lost interest in or what areas they didn’t visit. After that, you can make the necessary changes to improve the next time you conduct a virtual meet.

Quality in terms of price

Before beginning your search for a virtual event platform in Singapore, it’s critical that you first determine your budget. Choose a service that you’ll find affordable. You can save money by opting for a portal that provides packages that include everything you need.

To help you determine if it’s worth your money, you may consider speaking with customer service support or using free trials to check if their features fit your virtual needs.

Visible footprints

Choose a company that provides a tested event management system. Visit their website and see their partners and the reviews. There is a good chance that a specific virtual event platform will perform for you if it has worked for other firms in your industry.

These platforms often compile customer reviews, specifications, and pricing information for a wide range of systems. Make sure you look for solutions that have been evaluated frequently and considered the best.

Why is live streaming a great way to reach more people?


In addition to a broader audience, live streaming in Singapore is a way to introduce your brand. Live video generates better user interaction and traffic than pre-recorded content.

Build intimate connections

You can personalise your brand and establish a more intimate connection with your customers. You can view it to your advantage because more people are turning online to browse for products, services and people.

More visible

You will be more visible both digital and in-person, as you become more familiar with the public audience. Professional live streaming services in Singapore are often more manageable and cost-effective if you’re not yet skilled with technology.

Create a sense of community

Other than this, users can interact with you and each other by commenting on your posts. As a result, the public can form a sense of belonging. When you make them feel they belong and hear them, they feel more appreciated.

You can see an organisation’s commitment to openness in its eagerness to receive and respond to input in real-time. An on-site demonstration or tour can help build customer confidence in a company.

Level up your virtual event with the help of Evention Singapore!

Evention offers one-stop-shop live streaming services in Singapore! They deliver automated solutions and value-added event interactive applications that enhance the user experience and participation. Make your audience’s virtual experience unforgettable by requesting a free demo today!