Designing a new site sometimes takes a long time. It is divided into various stages, from collecting requirements, coding, graphics to completing pages with content. A website prepared this way often replaces the customer’s current page. It depends on the knowledge of project managers and developers whether the new site will spoil the positioning process and the effects developed over the years of working on the site. Li Creative Technologies will help you to know about the principles in depth.
Website technology and the issue of SEO
The most important thing in building a website for SEO is to separate the presentation layer from the page structure. The structure uses HTML tags to define the set of elements that make up our website and the relationships between them. Elements such as the header, menu, footer, and contact forms are created. All these components exist in a specific relationship to each other and occupy a separate place in the structure of the page.
The page must have content that the search engine robot can read easily. For this reason, your site should not be made in Flash or JavaScript. The page code should be as concise as possible and without unnecessary HTML tags. Optimal code makes it easier to crawl the page for robots. It is recommended to create a page based on CSS templates and layers (DIV). Avoid tables that introduce a lot of unnecessary source code and give fewer opportunities for expanding the page.
Changing content should appear at different addresses, i.e. you should create subpages or in the case of one-page websites (usually scrolled down), a solution should be introduced that will allow you to change addresses while scrolling the content on the page.
After creating the page, validate the code and pay attention to critical errors. We use a validator for this purpose: Removing particularly critical errors can improve the website’s performance.
The presentation layer determines the appearance of the website. All rules such as text color, formatting, background element should be in a separate CSS style sheet.
It is also important to place banners and advertisements that should not be intrusive and appear in large quantities. They should also not occupy too much space at the top of the page.
Responsive websites adapting to different screen sizes – a large computer monitor, laptop, tablet, smartphone – are standard. Therefore, you should create several versions of CSS style sheets that will allow the page elements to adapt to different screen resolutions. Often, navigation elements are also organized differently on responsive pages.
Search and user-friendly URLs
Friendly URLs are those that are devoid of session parameters and variables, they should also contain selected keywords if possible.
The URL, in addition to the title and description of the page, is one of the elements that pay attention to when viewing results provided by the search engine. Friendly URLs should be:
- easy to dictate and remember (e.g. in a telephone conversation),
- easy to enter
- visually attractive (so that they can be placed e.g. in an advertising leaflet),
- They should reflect the structure of the website (
Title tags
The title tag, i.e. the title of the page, should have the key phrases most relevant to the website.
The unique and informative title is of great importance in determining the position of a given subpage on the keywords it contains. It is also very important for users because it is one of the main elements that pay attention to in search results. If the search word is in the title, it will be bold and thus attract attention.
A common mistake is copying the same title on every page of the site, including the main page. The title that does not contain any keywords describing the content of the page is also incorrect.
Therefore, it is worth developing a way of generating the title tag for individual types of pages so that the page title is unique and contains additional keywords that can be entered by search engine users.
Page content
Unique content is particularly important when it comes to search engine optimization. Remember to avoid internal and external duplication.
To avoid external duplication, do not place unique content on other pages on the web, and do not copy materials from other sources available on the Internet.
To avoid internal duplication, a given resource (article, product, etc.) should display only under one access path.
Attention should be paid to maintaining the appropriate structure of the texts – using headings (e.g. H2) and bold content. It is also worth breaking up large blocks of content into smaller ones.
Add-ons on the page
Additional elements should appear in the content of the subpage, such as images with the alt attributes and tables. The description can be enriched with the option of downloading additional files and internal linking to guide pages.
User-generated content
By enabling users to add their content, we enrich the site with new unique keywords written in the language of users. The content enrichment by user reviews and comments make it more reliable in the eyes of potential customers. You should remember about the Nofollow attribute for links added by website users. It is also necessary to moderate the content added and protect the site from spam. You should also block the possibility of adding comments containing profanity.
The above-mentioned rules regarding the content of the page allow you to design a structure of subpages that is search engine friendly. This will affect the positioning of the site in the future.