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Watching AVI files on Quicktime in Mac – Know the methods!

Mac and PCs have a very competitive world out there. It is not just about what you like; it is about your work preferences. But, with the competition, it is not unlikely that there won’t be any differences to the software and hardware on both these types of devices.

While AVI files are playable on the majority of the PCs, the same does not play on Quicktime in Mac. This can be a matter of concern, especially when you are making a switch from a PC to a Mac and have the majority of the files saved in the AVI format. While there is a whole lot of technical explanation that goes into why Quicktime won’t play AVI, know for a fact that it is you who has to make the adjustments.

Many people get intimidated by the processes and methods but to be honest, it is as simple as it comes. It doesn’t include a lot of hassle and can be done by anyone, even a novice who is not even aware of the basics of using a Mac.

How can you watch AVI files on Mac?

Watching an AVI file directly on Quicktime in Mac is not possible. This is the reason why you either need to convert the file or have suitable software installed that can help sort out that process for you. Given that there is a lot to the process, we thought of easing it out for you in two different methods.

Method 1 – Conversion of AVI file

The first and the most effective format for you to look into is the conversion of the AVI file into something playable on Mac.

For this, there are quite a few methods that people follow but one of the easiest of the lot is using a video conversion software that will help convert the AVI files into something like MOV format that is playable on Mac. This is also one of those steps that you can opt for if you do not want to download unnecessary codec packages to your system.

This works like magic, without any doubt.

But, the one software that we would suggest that you use is the Video Converter for Mac which is quite beneficial beyond belief.

For seamless function, we would suggest you use the standard web version of the software for faster results.

Here, once you open the interface, the first thing that needs to be done is uploading the AVI file. Once you have uploaded that, select the format that you want to convert the file into.

Once selected, click on the Convert option and the software will get the rest done for you.

Method 2 – Using Elmedia player

For the lazy people out there who don’t want to engage in any kind of hassle, using the Elmedia player is possibly one of the best ways to get around with it.

This platform has effective results in helping play any format of files on Mac without any obstruction. For this, all you need to do is install the software and play the AVI files using this every time you open them on Quicktime.

This is a very hassle-free process and also comes with a very easy user interface, which again is one of the primary reasons why you never have to regret using this.


If you have been worried about how you can view the AVI files on Quicktime in Mac, we have sorted out some of the best available options that you can take a look into. Given that there are so many complicated methods, we wanted to sort you out with the simpler ones.