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The development of technology has a positive impact on human life, especially in the field of information and telecommunications, so that it can make various fields of business both in the production and service fields move more quickly and efficiently, this encourages companies to get the right people in the IT field with experience. and qualified expertise

IT staffing agencies has worked well in recruiting IT professionals to meet the needs of many companies who want to expand their business and make IT a service base both in production and customer service to create a better, faster, and more efficient business climate

 For information for those of you who are planning to develop yourself and want to have a career in IT, there are several interesting professions in this field so that they become the motivation for you and become the right direction for your future career, some of which are new fields as a consequence of technological advancement. , there is a field that is old because of its position which cannot be replaced.


The programmer is an important position in a company that makes IT the basis of the work system, the fundamental skills of a programmer are writing code and understanding algorithms and being able to properly apply one programming language depending on the demands of the company because mastering several programming languages ​​will increase the bargaining value so that more is expected by those in need.

 Because the position is important in building an information base in the company, the average starting salary for a programmer is quite high, especially if supported by experience and proof of good work results, usually, you will get multiple salary increases.

Mobile Developer

Before building software, a mobile developer or software developer will do research, design, test, and implement it in business, for that, a mobile developer must use a variety of systems and different programming languages so that their products can be accessed by many parties.

 The skills of a mobile developer are increasingly needed along with the development of smartphone use in society.

 Database administrator

 The title Database Administrator clearly describes the job description, namely designing, implementing, managing, maintaining, and fixing organizational database errors. Furthermore, the Database Administrator is also responsible for developing the database in the future and ensuring data security

Not all IT workers have to deal with computers. A database administrator will have more opportunities to work with multiple people and multiple projects. The challenge facing a database administrator is to keep the database from being damaged

 Database Administrators must have basic IT skills, problem-solving, good analysis, communication skills, and work in teams. Database Administrators who have access to company databases must enforce a code of conduct holding company secrets and not divulge them even after moving jobs. Not all IT workers have to deal with computers. A database administrator will have more opportunities to work with multiple people and multiple projects. The challenge facing a database administrator is to keep the database from being damaged

Network engineer

This position assigns duties and responsibilities to the building, maintaining, and repairing computer and telecommunication networks within an organization or company, including ensuring a smooth internet network, so he must be ready at any time there are network problems that sometimes often arise.

QA engineer

QA (Quality Assurance) Engineers are in charge of ensuring software products run well by monitoring, testing, and checking all production processes of a product. With the QA Engineer, the company’s products or services are guaranteed reliability, usability, performance, and established general quality standards. To be able to carry out his duties, a QA Engineer must be careful in detail, have good analytical skills, be able to work together, and be customer service oriented.