Have you completely integrated your new CCMS software into your child care centre’s operations yet? If you haven’t, that might be why you’re not getting all the results that the child care software promised. Implementation is the key in order to benefit fully from your investment. It’s easy to get excited about a new purchase but drop the ball when it comes to the crunch time of actually fitting your new software into your daily operations. If you’ve fallen behind in getting acclimatised to your childcare management software and reverted back to old habits of piles of paperwork, then stop right there. It’s time to reboot your efforts and supercharge the performance of your centre. With a fully integrated CCMS software on your side, childcare management will be a breeze, and you’ll have more energy to help raise literate, emotionally well-adjusted children at your centre. Here are three tips for getting things back on track.
Train Your Staff
Your staff will be using the CCMS software on a daily basis, so it makes sense to ensure they get proper training in how to use it. Train your teachers by pointing them to written or online demonstration materials to give them the basics. You can then reinforce their learning by supervising their use of the childcare management software and teaching them any shortcuts or details that they need to know. If staff members are using paper tools where they should instead be using your digital tool for childcare management, remind them to use the software, but also be empathetic. Perhaps they feel unsure of how to use it. Make sure all staff members are well trained so that using child care software becomes a manageable part of their job.
Engage with Parents
Parents can benefit from child care software just as much as your staff. They’ll have more trust in your centre and staff knowing that you have the right digital procedures in place. Not only can you provide face to face verbal updates to parents on their child’s progress at pick up and drop off, but now there are other opportunities too. Throughout the term, text message updates and photo sharing can help build connections with parents. Some CCMS software allows you to snap a photo of a child’s artwork during craft time and then send that picture directly to parents. It’s a great way of involving parents in the learning experience in real time. By focusing some attention on relationship building using the advantages of your childcare management software, you can ensure parents are more satisfied with your services.
Consult With Your CCMS Software Company
If you’re in doubt about how to get the most out of your childcare management software, you can always contact the company that provided it to you. They can review your set-up and renew your knowledge on how it all works. Common points of discussion may include how to do your invoicing, how to engage parents, and any issues teachers are having with the child care application.