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How Can Startup Venture Hire College Students Successfully?

College students are the most creative and eager employees. They are the most suitable candidates for startup ventures. Of course, starting a new business is exciting as well as you are passionate and knowledgeable and desire to recruit staff with the same feelings about your niche. The first step is to choose unbiased recruitment software then create a strong pre-screening process designed, establish good relationship with colleges, start internship programs, and use social media for promoting your business recruiting needs among college students.

Adapt technology for recruiting 

Applicant tracking software [ATS] programs like Recrout are designed to handle the recruitment process. It helps in candidate management, thus reducing the time-to-fill the opening. From posting jobs online to selecting, the right talent to schedule & track the interview process, to making an offer the ATS helps. Using the ATS, helps in making unbiased hiring decisions, which otherwise can possibly make you lose a talented candidate.

Design a strong screening process

A pre-screening process prior to the interview is essential for many reasons. You gain basic details about the potential future employees. Offering potential applicants, a pre-interview essay helps to gauge their skill set and interest level. It even sets a tone for the position’s goals and expectations. 

Post-interview survey feedback is great because it makes the candidate feel appreciated and you gain insight. This helps in enhancing future interviews. 

Establish good relationships

As you want to hire college students, start establishing a good relationship with the faculty and staff at the universities. It helps to get your business name exposed before the students and even displays that your venture is serious and is going to stay for long. While hiring for a startup, it is essential that the applicants you interview believe your company is going on a long haul. Use ambassadors on a college campus to build a consistent connection with job searching students. 

52 student business ideas and startup opportunities - EH

Start internship program

An internship program is beneficial to a startup and the students. Students adore gaining practical knowledge and experience in the real business environment. Students get to know what your business is all about and what role they will play when hired. You get to evaluate the multi-tasking skills and work ethics of the students. Have a well-designed internship program planned to make a good first impression. Even inform them about the available hiring opportunities at the end of the internship.

Social media for marketing your recruit needs

To recruit next-generation employees, social media channels are a great place to market your recruitment needs as the platforms are hangouts for college students. Social media allows you to reach the target audience besides your website. as a startup company you need to establish a reputation to recruit and retain the workforce. 

While marketing for students on social channels be specific about how your new venture will fulfill their unique needs when your company recruits them. You can include benefits in the hiring package, as it will be appealing to students coming out from the university setting. You may be unable to offer full benefits, but highlight some key advantages like flexible working hours.

Recrout is also on Twitter, so you can connect with their tweets and stay updated!