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All Practical Answers When You Are Asked About Your Role Model

It is common for employers to inquire about your professional principles, as well as what you think it takes to be a successful business owner or employee. It’s possible to bring up the subject of “Who is your role model?” while discussing this problem. Employers may be able to learn more about your motivations, aspirations, and mentors if you know how to respond appropriately to this interview question. There are a number of reasons why an employer could ask this question and how to react, as well as a number of examples of your role model answer.

“Who do you look up to?” is a common question asked by prospective employers

During an interview, this question may be asked to check whether your own values and beliefs align with those of the firm in question. It’s possible to get a sense of what motivates you in your career and personal life by interviewing you. As a result of your choice of role model, you may be able to illustrate to potential employers some of your personal attributes and how these characteristics might be used in the position for which you are seeking.

In order to adequately respond to this question, you may take the following steps:

Give yourself time to reflect before responding

In spite of the fact that it may seem to be an easy question to answer during an interview, your answer may disclose vital aspects about you to prospective employers. It may also tell them whether your qualifications are a suitable fit for the position and the firm. Think about who would be the best person to name for this response depending on the sort of job you’re applying for, what attributes are necessary for the role, and what traits you can add to it before making a decision.

Your reaction should be guided by authenticity and relevancy

It’s possible that your boss will be interested in hearing what you learned from your role model. It’s okay to talk about how you improved your time management skills or how you learned anything specific from them that’s a need of the job, as long as it’s relevant to the role. You may also elaborate on an example if required.

Identify the qualities that you find appealing

This question may provide the employer a chance to learn more about the qualities you look for in a potential employee. Distinguishing the specific qualities in your role model that influenced your decision to use them as an example is an excellent idea.

Consider a side-by-by-side comparison of their traits and your own

It’s a good idea to make connections between your role model’s traits and the skills you have to offer the company while explaining theirs. Because of your mentor’s advice, it’s possible to show the employer why you’re an excellent candidate for the position. It’s OK if you don’t have all of your mentor’s qualities. Instead than comparing every skill, it may be more useful to focus on a few important traits.

You may utilize this functionality in a variety of ways

Following the introduction of your role model’s traits and your own similar abilities, discuss how you employ these skills in your professional life.