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A Brief History of ERP

ERP refers to the technology and systems businesses employ to manage and integrate their essential business activities. Best ERP software Australia enables the integration of processes throughout an organization. This software lets users communicate inside a single interface, exchange data, and collaborate across functional boundaries. In addition, an ERP solution system facilitates communication throughout an organization, resulting in increased synergies between different business units, increased efficiencies as processes are streamlined, information is readily accessible to those who require it, and decreased costs associated with outdated and ineffective technology. 

While implementing an ERP system may be expensive, the return on investment (ROI) may be immediate. Almost definitely, the advantages obtained will offset the expenditures associated with using an ERP. The organization’s requirements determine the components of an ERP system. However, any ERP should incorporate a number of critical functions. An ERP system should be automated to minimize errors and adaptable, allowing for adjustments as the business evolves or develops. Because more individuals are mobile, the ERP platform should provide mobile access. Finally, an ERP system should enable the analysis and measurement of productivity. Additional tools may be connected to the system to enhance a business’s capabilities. 

Thus, Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software application that controls and connects company activities. With a clearer view, businesses can better plan and allocate resources. Without ERP, businesses often function in siloed approach, with each department administering its unconnected system. However, implementing an ERP system will be ineffective if the company’s culture does not adapt to the change and the organization’s structure is not restructured to accommodate it.

To know more about a brief history of Enterprise Resource Planning, an infographic from Integral Management is below.

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