Ever since lasers were developed in the 1960s, applications of the technology have thrived. In fact, the applications of laser technology have branched out into so many diverse areas that it is difficult to discuss any number of them without breaking them down into subgroups. Industrial applications of lasers are well known, but as it turns out, lasers are used in wide range of non-industrial areas as well.
Unless you live under a rock, even the nonindustrial applications are well known, but to get caught up in the nonindustrial applications, you can see reviews here, or read on.
Jewelry and Other Fine Engraving
Anyone who remembers the time before laser engraving took hold is well acquainted with how much work it took to have something made with an someone’s name on it. Not only was it a huge problem to get an engraving done, but the expense was often prohibitive. Part of the problem was that completing an engraving was a lot of work, with manual tools completing the project. Today, it’s hard to find an engraving shop that doesn’t use some kind of laser engraving tool to personalize nearly anything, from trophies and jewelry, or fine glass.
Wooden Signs
There was a time when the best anybody could do to create a wooden sign was with a router or a similar tool. These were not only amazing time and energy savers, but they also yielded impressive results. Then along came laser engravers, and the business has never been the same. Today’s laser engraved wooden signs are not only beautiful but making them has never been so practical or cost effective. Want to give someone a unique gift? Why not give them a laser engraved wooden sign with their name or that of their business on it? It will be long remembered and appreciated.
Laser Cut Business Cards
Have you ever given your business card to someone and immediately wondered if they kept it? After all, a business card that immediately finds its way to the trash can is as good as no business card at all. Almost every day across America, business owners take their cards to artists and print shops everywhere to create business cards that are unique and different. Their goal, of course, is to end up with a card that business prospects will want to keep and refer to, hopefully on a daily basis. The intricate designs that are made possible by laser cutters on a business card are nothing short of amazing and are that much more of a reason for prospects to not only keep them handy, but to share them with others.
Have you ever had something that you wish there was a way of reproducing it exactly as it is? Maybe it’s a piece of artwork, or maybe a product that needs to be reproduced in multiples, such as the risers of a staircase? Whatever it might happen to be, laser cutters are the only way to go. Not only will a laser cutter create the piece to be a virtual double, but it is one of the easiest and cost-effective ways of doing the work. All that’s needed is to create a CAD drawing of the object, plug it into the laser cutter, and your project is virtually complete.
These are only a few of the many everyday applications of laser cutters. For more information about laser cutters, contact a maker, or better yet, talk to a user. They’re the best testimony about what laser cutters will do.