Every senior manager, business leader, and company owner should recognize the value of their workforce. Put simply, it is the staff members and corporate teams who determine the overall success of a firm by their hard work and dedication to delivering on projects and tasks. High-performing teams and individuals are the key to ongoing company success and can be the difference between a highly profitable company and one that struggles to compete in modern business.
A key way to ensure that your teams and individual workers perform at their best is to show your appreciation for the work they do. This way, the organization is demonstrating the true value that it puts on effective and productive work. There are several ways to show appreciation for your workforce. In this article, two key ways are outlined, and both will serve to motivate your employees.
Long service awards and retirement parties
Firstly, it is important to recognize that long service with a company allows staff turnover and recruitment costs to remain low while retaining some of your most knowledgeable employees. All companies should highlight the value of long service by holding awards ceremonies for staff members who have been employed for a long period and have demonstrated commitment to the firm and ongoing excellence in their roles. This communicates to the wider workforce the value and appreciation that the company places on long service.
In addition, when long-serving staff members reach retirement age and leave the organization, their careers should be celebrated with a retirement party. Search online for a venue for retirement party to find suitable premises to hold the celebration. Ideally, this event will highlight the work that the retiring staff member has undertaken during their career, with some key achievements and amusing anecdotes from their time in service. Such events effectively show the value that your company puts on long service and years of dedication, serving to motivate the younger staff members to give similar years of effective work to the company.
Annual staff awards
As well as recognizing long service and showing appreciation for retiring staff members, it is important to hold an annual staff awards ceremony. This event can be a key way to highlight the best-performing staff members and teams within a company. It demonstrates the value that the organization places on dedication and hard work and can help to create a culture where workers will strive to constantly improve in their roles. Staff awards ceremonies should be fun and informal events where recognition is given to both individuals and teams who have enjoyed success in the previous year. Ideally, the ceremony will be staged at a private venue with a sumptuous meal and refreshments being provided to all staff members. Consider giving awards for different categories of excellence in your workforce. Some examples include “Team of the Year” to reward the highest performing teams and “New Starter of the Year” to recognize the dedication and commitment that new staff members have shown to the firm after joining. Such awards demonstrate the value that the organization places on effective working and help to create a culture of high performance in the wider workforce.