Are you setting up a new office space? Get a good DTH connection today, for the office’s use.
There are many arguments to be made in favour of having a TV set in the office. Some would say that it is distracting and reduces productivity. But when used right, especially when the entire team can be together to watch an important match or another live event, then a TV set adds to the fun.
As a business owner looking to set up new office premises, you have already decided the utilities and furniture layout moving from flyttebyrå Oslo. But what about finding good spots for large flat screen TVs – one in the reception area, and one each in the conference rooms and your own office – and setting up good DTH connections for each?
Here’s how you buy a good DTH connection for the office:
* Find out which pack suits your office:Every service provider will offer a variety of new DTH plans, but since you are buying it for the office, you will need to be circumspect about the channel bundle you purchase. Your office will not need film or GEC channels, but news, business channels, sports and infotainment are required. Look for channel packs specifically consisting of these genres, or ask the service provider if another pack may be modified to include these channels.
* Find out the pack cost. Apart from checking the cost of the new DTH plan pack, also check what the overall proposition will cost you. This includes cost of the hardware (HD set top box, dish antenna, remote control, wiring), installation costs, monthly rental on the pack, and the Network Capacity Fee (NCF). Compare these total costs across leading service providers and pick the most cost-effective option.
* Find out how long the installation will take: Since you are taking the DTH connection(s) for an office premises, the installation must be done quickly and without disturbing your work. Leading providers have unobtrusive and quick installation processes, and the DTH is fitted quickly. You will only need to guide the installation team in terms of finding a good spot to fit the dish antenna (in the window, on the ledge outside or the terrace, based on the building’s regulations on the same).
* Check the SD and HD channels included in the pack: The new DTH plan must have a balanced proportion between SD and HD channels. Inquire if you need to subscribe to the HD channels separately. Leading providers have packs with both SD and HD channels, but you can add the ones you want.
* Check the provider’s response time to your queries: When you make queries about the new DTH plan and the installation and purchase process for the connection, make a note of how responsive the provider is to your queries. There should be a minimum turnaround time between your booking the connection and the provider sending the installation team arriving at your office. The KYC process also should be smooth, and at no point should you be forced to call up the provider’s helpline to remind them about any aspect of the process.