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How to convert PDF to JPEG for free on Windows and Mac

How to convert PDF to JPEG for free on Windows and Mac

There are many situations that require converting Portable Document Format (PDF) documents to JPG images. The PDF format is great for combining text with graphic images, however, to work with PDF documents, as a rule, additional applications or plug-ins are required, which is not always convenient, especially in cases when you need only one page or image. In this article, we will tell you how to convert PDF to JPEG using convenient applications, regardless of the OS used.

PDF to JPEG – a free application for Windows

PDF to JPEG is a free application designed to convert PDF to JPEG, as its name suggests. PDF to JPEG is minimalistic, but provides the user with great features. For example, you can choose to convert the pages of a PDF document, specify where to save images and much more. If you use Windows 10 and often convert documents, then PDF to JPEG is the perfect solution for you.

Important: Unlike Photoshop, PDF to JPEG converts all pages of a PDF document to JPEG files. Therefore, if you need to convert only one page, use another application.

  1. Download from the Windows Store and install the PDF to JPEG application on your PC .
  2. Open the application and click on the “Select File” button.
  3. Select the desired PDF file and click on the “Open” button.
  4. Click on the “Select Folder” button.
  5. Select the folder where you want to save the finished file.
  6. Click on the “Convert” button.

Conversion may take different time depending on the size of the PDF file. Upon completion of the process, the finished image will be saved in the folder you specified.

AnyConv – free online service

You can usually use mobile services on any computer or mobile device. Many people prefer online applications, since they do not require installation on a computer, do not take up space and work very quickly.

If you need to convert files, feel free to use AnyConv. This service is extremely simple, and it is impossible to get confused in it. Just open the AnyConv website in your browser and follow the instructions there.

  1. Click on the “Choose Files” button and select the files you want to convert.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select the JPG format.
  3. Click on the “Convert” button.

In addition to JPG, AnyConv allows you to convert PDF to HTML5, BMP, DOCX and others.