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How to choose the right digital marketing agency?

Digital marketing agencies often promise results in terms of increased leads, followers, subscribers, likes, etc., but what do you really expect from your digital marketing agency? Are you looking for the best digital marketing agency in Myanmar? The secret to finding the right agency lies in your ability to clearly identify and formulate your expectations of your marketing agency.

Ask your marketing agency for results –

As the CEO of your company, you must be able to clearly express your needs and expectations. Indeed, digital marketing is done in such a way that most of the actions carried out can be analyzed by KPI’s. Select the indicators on which you expect the agency to provide you with results and make it clear that these are the non-negotiable criteria within the framework of a future collaboration.

A digital marketing agency that has the right workforce, qualitative and appropriate tools, as well as the qualifications and areas of expertise to meet your objectives, should get you results without problems. In summary, choose an agency that talks to you about forecast results, that explains to you what tools they are used to working with, and that presents you with client case studies that are at least similar to your situation.

Be clear about what you want from a marketing agency –

It may seem like a fairly simple question to you, but we often realize that some companies sign contracts with agencies without ever knowing what they expect from this commitment made over 3/6/12 months and more. Do you want a digital marketing agency that will guide you from A to Z in your marketing and digital strategy? Do you prefer to train your team internally? Perhaps you need resources, or tools? 

It’s a strong commitment and requires the commitment of your entire business. You need sales and marketing teams to be aligned with each other, sometimes you even need to change your business model. This is why some industrial SMEs will rather need a “classic” marketing agency which will help them to set up more ad hoc marketing actions such as: managing social networks, producing blog posts, writing white papers, etc. You can expect a lot more from a professional digital marketing agency:

  • Request an increase in your traffic by x%,
  • Request to improve your conversion rate by x%,
  • Require the creation of x business opportunities per month,
  • Ask this agency about the possibility of increasing your closing rate.

What you must remember?

So, to find the right digital marketing agency, you first need to have a clear idea of ​​the type of agency or support you need. Once the agency has this information, it will be able to tell you whether or not it has the means to obtain these results, and at what cost. The agency will also help you to readjust your objectives if it considers that they are not ambitious and adequate enough. If you want to work with a digital marketing agency, you must therefore put yourself in an ROI approach.