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How to Boost the Performance of your LAMP Stack VPS Server?

VPS Web Hosting is one of the high-performing and reliable website hosting solutions, where each website receives its own virtual private server with exclusive resources for hosting purposes.

In this hosting solution, the primary server is split into multiple servers through virtualization technology, allowing each website to leverage its own VPS Server that is not shared with any other website. 

The following video highlights the benefits of server virtualization for VPS Hosting:

Advantages of Server Virtualization for VPS Hosting

If you use a CMS or Content Management System for your website, there are high chances of you working with a LAMP Stack on your Linux VPS Web Hosting Server. Even though your VPS Server can function well on its own, you can boost its performance with a few tweaks and optimize it per your business needs. 

What is a LAMP Stack? 

LAMP Stack is by far one of the most used and popular web stack architectures mostly used by small and medium-sized businesses. CMS like Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal are written considering the LAMP Stack. 

Its features include: 

  • LAMP uses open-source software
  • It is free of cost
  • It works on a commodity hardware 

If you use any of the popular CMS mentioned above, you are most likely using LAMP Stack for your Virtual Server

However, the default LAMP settings are not the best, and you need to fine-tune and configure it for better performance optimization. 

How do I speed up my LAMP Stack VPS Server? 

Here are certain easy optimizations to tweak the performance of your VPS Server: 

  • Utilize Opcode Cache for PHP 

Repeating the same processes on each request is a complete waste of time, efficiency, and resources. 

Implementing Opcode Caching or PHP acceleration prevents this issue by caching the results of PHP code compilations. In addition, this solution speeds up the processing, as PHP simply loads the data from the stored cache the next time it is called. 

This is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to optimize PHP-based application’s performance. 

  • Disable unwanted Apache modules 

Apache is a robust and open-source web server with many modules and features. Because of its stable and well-supported features, it is popular amongst many users. However, each of the enabled by-default modules of Apache consumes memory and CPU. But if you are not using a particular feature, the resource goes to waste. 

Therefore, removing unwanted modules/features of the Apache webserver is crucial to increase its performance and remove unnecessary overhead. 

  • Use Apache mod_deflate HTTP compression 

Enabling HTTP compression using “mod_deflate” is another critical optimization to boost the performance of Virtual Private Servers

This module compresses HTML, text, and XML files down by 70% their actual size, speeding up the page load speed and saving server bandwidth. 

  • Utilize Apache mod_expires caching 

You can speed up the page loading speed, load certain data from your site visitor’s local browser cache, and avoid re-downloading of non-expired content by adding “expires headers” using “mod_expires” caching. 

These cacheable files include JavaScript, CSS, and images. 

  • PHP.ini performance tuning 

The PHP.ini file is PHP’s default configuration file and is read when the PHP starts. To improve your PHP performance, you can increase the default memory limit mentioned in your PHP.ini file. 

“Memory_limits” signifies the maximum primary memory a script can consume in megabytes. 

It is recommended to raise this memory limit to either 68 MB or 128 MB, depending on the physical memory available on the server. 

In addition, you can also improve the PHP performance by disabling “register_globals” and “magic_quotes_”. 

Summing Up

Thus, optimizing your LAMP Stack to enhance the performance of your Linux Virtual Server Hosting is worth the time and effort. You can get high website page loading speed, enhanced performance, and more, resulting in better customer experience and SEO performance. 

If you are searching for a reliable VPS Server Hosting service, you must look only for reliable web hosting providers. They offer the best VPS Hosting solutions at a cost-efficient rate. So, choose a suitable hosting plan for your website’s increased performance, reliability, security, and uptime.