With the advancement of technology and the usual use of computers in daily lives, the procedures of preserving public data have moved from manual indexing and searching to an online search method. Being considered as a standard in the industry, Charles Jones is a data-trace company that provides precise and valid online public data searching services, as it has also gone through this technological movement. Some of the extraordinary services provided in Pennsylvania and New Jersey include tax or name searches, wetland and tideland searches, UCC and corporate services, and county search services. Apart from this, registered agent services and countrywide corporate filing are also provided by Charles Jones. Both these services can be provided to clients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey as these are included in one of the first-class services.
UCC and Corporate Services
The following diverse variety of precise and valid online corporate and UCC services is provided, by Charles Jones, in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey:
Status Report
This service, online corporate status information, is provided in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Information, like registered agent name, formation date, registered office, status, and main office address, can be added as per a client’s needs. Generally, the report is sent to the clients within 24 hours.
Franchise/Corporate Tax Lien Report
Any transgression in paying the taxes has resulted in a lien on all corporate properties for a ten-year span. This lien is calculated from the year the tax is unpaid. Therefore, the franchise tax is compulsory for all the regional as well as international businesses operating in New Jersey. Charles Jones provides the franchise/corporate tax search through which a client can find out whether an organization has any unpaid tax pending to the State of New Jersey. Upon receiving a request from a client, the data will be sent to the New Jersey State Tax Department. This procedure might take 6-8 weeks.
In reference to Pennsylvania, the information on franchise tax payment is fetched from the Pennsylvania Division of Revenue and is shown in the form of a report.
Good Standing Certificate
This service is available in New Jersey. The certificate is an authentication from the State in a short or long-form. It contains the details of an organization’s active role in paying taxes for the last two years, including the reports.
Legal Existence Certificate
This service is available in Pennsylvania. The certificate provides, the listed companies of Pennsylvania, all the important information about the status.
Corporate Copies
State issues business copies of a record filed with New Jersey Secretary of State or Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth can be provided by Charles Jones.
This search delivers a Dual Index search. A precise and fast output is provided in which both State UCC records of New Jersey as well as the sole database are analyzed. Typically, this process completes within 4 hours.
UCC State Report
An exclusive UCC report is distributed for the affected name in Pennsylvania or other states.
UCC State Certified Report
Within 24-48 hours, Charles Jones provides the New Jersey Division of Revenue’s UCC certified report based on the affected name.