The Amazon sales rank (BSR) is a computation based on sales updated hourly to incorporate recent and historical sales of every item sold across the platform. While the Amazon Best Sellers list is a good indicator of how well a product is selling in general, it does not always reflect how well a product is performing compared to other similar products. Bestseller lists by category and subcategory were produced to indicate where an item ranks among the competition in the categories and subcategories where it stands out.
The Amazon Best Sellers page, within a product detail page, and on a category-level Best Selling Products page, such as Electronics, display a product’s BSR. However, instead of trying to be the best seller in your general product category, it is critical to attempt to be the best seller in your granular subcategory with the help of the Amazon ranking sales calculator.
The demand for an Amazon ranking sales calculator has increased.
The Amazon sales rank is used to assess a product’s popularity in its category and comparison to its competitors. The number of recent sales and historical sales data relative to any other products in the same category establishes a product’s eligibility for the measure. The lower your number, the more sales you’ll get for your goods, and vice versa. If you have the highest sales rank in a category, your product is now the most popular.
Given that BSR is dependent on recent and historical performance, it’s crucial not to get overly focused on landing the placement to increase product sales velocity. Even if a product is on the BSR list, it does not necessarily imply being highly ranked for any search terms, especially on the organic side. Even though you should focus on increasing sales and velocity, BSR has no direct relevance to helping you produce organic sales.
The Amazon Sales Estimator Tool (Amazon Money Calculator) allows you to verify the average number of sales for a certain Amazon Marketplace within a specific Amazon Product Category. Investigate your competition and look for new product niches to enter.
Final thoughts
A sophisticated Amazon Advertising plan is also required to boost impressions and conversions. You may quickly bring your goods in front of a broader audience that is searching for comparable terms by launching PPC advertisements. Sponsored Products, for example, can be utilized to achieve a range of business goals because they are keyword-targeted — and can now be product attribute-targeted. Whether you want to increase incremental sales, maximize earnings, or dispose of an under-converting product, Amazon ad campaigns can help you generate demand. Still, they can also help you improve your organic position.
Even though the BSR methodology is dynamic and ever-changing, you may use it to understand better your competitive landscape and the value of sales ranking in the more specific subcategories that the broad categories descend to. You can acquire visibility into the areas of your business that have the opportunity for optimization to improve future performance by using competitive benchmarking that can be done by monitoring the BSR.